Shadow Run

Firefly meets Dune in this action-packed sci-fi adventure about a close-knit, found family of a crew navigating a galaxy of political intrigue and resource-driven power games.

Nev has just joined the crew of the starship Kaitan Heritage as the cargo loader. His captain, Qole, is the youngest-ever person to command her own ship, but she brooks no argument from her crew of orphans, fugitives, and con men. Nev can’t resist her, even if her ship is an antique.

As for Nev, he’s a prince, in hiding on the ship. He believes Qole holds the key to changing galactic civilization, and when her cooperation proves difficult to obtain, Nev resolves to get her to his home planet by any means necessary.

But before they know it, a rival royal family is after Qole too, and they’re more interested in stealing her abilities than in keeping her alive.

Nev’s mission to manipulate Qole becomes one to save her, and to survive, she’ll have to trust her would-be kidnapper. He may be royalty, but Qole is discovering a deep reservoir of power—and stars have mercy on whoever tries to hurt her ship or her crew.

What is Shadow Run?

It’s the title of a book! A glorious book, something I get to say since I co-wrote it with awesome author AdriAnne Strickland.

What kind of book is Shadow Run?

Shadow Run is a Young Adult Sci Fi Space Opera Fantasy Romance Adventure novel for your reading pleasure!

Whew, that is a great many genre descriptions.

Yes, well, basically, it’s fun times in space. If you are against fun times, leave immediately. If you are a fun times enthusiast, I strongly recommend you pre-order the book post-haste.

Before I go spending my hard earned sheckles, I would like to know more about this story you are peddling.

Yes! Most definitely! Here is the current official-ish description:

“Firefly” meets DUNE in this action-packed sci-fi adventure about a close-knit, found family of a crew navigating a galaxy of political intrigue and resource-driven power games.

Nev has just joined the crew of the starship Kaitan Heritage as the cargo loader. His captain, Qole, is the youngest-ever person to command her own ship, but she brooks no argument from her crew of orphans, fugitives, and con men. Nev can’t resist her, even if her ship is an antique.

As for Nev, he’s a prince, in hiding on the ship. He believes Qole holds the key to changing galactic civilization, and when her cooperation proves difficult to obtain, Nev resolves to get her to his home planet by any means necessary.

But before they know it, a rival royal family is after Qole too, and they’re more interested in stealing her abilities than in keeping her alive.

Nev’s mission to manipulate Qole becomes one to save her, and to survive, she’ll have to trust her would-be kidnapper. He may be royalty, but Qole is discovering a deep reservoir of power—and stars have mercy on whoever tries to hurt her ship or her crew.


Are there any other people who were involved in bringing this publication to life?

I’m glad you asked. Very thoughtful of you. As it turns out, yes, it absolutely would not have been possible without the hard work of our amazing agent, Kirsten Carlton, and the brilliant shepherding of our editor, Kate Sullivan. And it really bears repeating that my co-author is AdriAnne Strickland, who is a sort of terminator-like superhero of book writing.

Anything else?

If you’re interested, you can check out an excerpt over at Hypable, who did our cover reveal. And, of course, if you think you might buy it – pre-order it! Pre-ordering books is mega helpful to authors for a variety of reasons, beyond just you being kind enough to buy the book in the first place.


Pre Order Today!

(pushy pushy, yes I know)